Train out of your home – The trainer comes to you.
I`m Nigel Taylor – originally from England – owner of The Backyard Gym in Round Rock Texas. We specialize in personal training, kickboxing cardio and self-defense. With over 25 years experience as a personal trainer, I know what works! From weight loss to bulking up to toning up, I can help you get your desired look and achieve your fitness goals. I can also offer you the privacy of a 100% private personal training studio in which to enjoy and get the most out of your workouts!
Hourly rate: $60
Session cancellation: 24 hours notice required
First session is FREE
As a certified fitness trainer, kickboxing & self-defense Instructor I have devised a unique style of training utilizing my 10 years experience In martial arts complete with a 3rd degree black belt In Japanese Ju-Jitsu and 15 years experience In kickboxing to help get you In the best shape of your life! So If you’re looking for something a little different give It a try! You won`t be disappointed! Weights, kickboxing and self-defense all in one action-packed session!
Debbie Haynes – Lost 190lbs!
Ok, so first things first, I knew when I got into this that it wasn’t going to be easy or quick. I knew my trainer had to be someone special that could not only handle the job required, but also deal with my frustrations and lack of patience! I`m glad to say Nigel met all the requirements needed, he never gave up on me when I was ready to quit many times, the early days were very rough indeed. But with Nigel`s help I kept on track.
Every workout seemed to be so different, so there was never a chance of getting bored. As Nigel had warned me the diet side of things would be the hardest and he wasn’t joking either! it was pure hell! But here I am now, almost 200lbs lighter, without resorting to surgery.
I consider myself living proof of the fact that if you really want something bad enough, you can actually get it! I know I could never have achieved the results I did without Nigel. If you are serious about getting in shape, then you must hire this guy as the results speak for themselves!
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I met Nigel a year ago the first time. I have had such an interest in self defense after being physically assaulted by a man with a knife. Not only does Nigel deliver, he packs with a punch! This is no place to be if you are not serious about changing your life. Now I am able to defend myself, I can go out in public and not feel threatened. On top of that I have more energy, and have learned better habits all around. He is an awesome trainer and I will continue to work with him. He has a made a huge impact on me personally and on his community. I am honored to have him on my side and you will be too!
Having been the victim of an unprovoked attack a few years ago, I wanted to learn how to defend myself, apart from wanting to lose quite a bit of weight of course. Slight problem trying to come up with the money to hire a personal trainer and also a self-defense instructor.
I had tried a few trainers that were ok, but didn’t really offer what I wanted, sorry guys, but a few punches on the hand pads does not pass as kickboxing training! I wanted more than that, but couldn’t find it.
So, Enter Nigel Taylor, a personal trainer who does everything from weights and kickboxing to self-defense! I`m glad to say this trainer can back his words up. With Nigel`s help I have not only lost weight, but, also learned how to defend myself too, all while having a blast! This guy is funny as hell!
I feel like I have come a long way, both physically and mentally since I started my journey to get in shape. With Nigel`s unique blend of multiple styles that cover everything, and believe me he really does cover everything! I have achieved a look and confidence I never thought possible, can you imagine how lucky I feel to have met this guy? Thank you Nigel.
Chris Simms
Train out of your home – The trainer comes to you.
Go to the trainer’s gym.
Train with a friend (or two) and save!